Our services

We meet each Sunday for our morning service at 10:30am and our afternoon service at 2:30pm. You are welcome to join with us as we worship Almighty God and hear His Word preached. If you are not able to meet with us in person, the services are also broadcast live on our home page.

The services are traditional in format and include:

Hymn Singing

One of the ways in which we worship God is through congregational singing. This is usually accompanied by an organ.

We sing a variety of traditional hymns, rich in expressions of Bible truths and Christian experience. We use two hymnbooks: Gadsby's Hymns and Christian Worship.  You don’t need to have your own hymn book as we have plenty at the chapel.


Prayer forms part of our worship. In prayer we address God in adoration, thanksgiving, confession, petition, request and submission.

We also meet for prayer on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm and on the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 10.00am before the morning service.

Bible Reading

We read from the Authorised King James Version of the Bible because we believe this to be the most accurate translation in English. We have plenty of Bibles at the chapel for use during the services.


We do not currently have a pastor, so instead, visiting ministers preach for us week by week. Preaching is the proclamation of God’s Word, and in particular the gospel, or good news of salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. By the preaching of the Word we are warned, exhorted, strengthened, encouraged, taught and established in God's Word and ways.